Mindu is a large village with no hospital or medical centre to care for pregnant women, aids sufferers, children exposed to typhoid and other ailments. It is shocking to know that such conditions exist in a world with so many resources.
The village, Mindu, serves a community of around 400 scattered homes.
The population is approximately 2,110 people.
There are around 20 births per month in Mindu.
There is no functional health service in the village.
Mindu is a large village with no hospital or medical centre to care for pregnant women, aids sufferers, children exposed to typhoid and other ailments. It is shocking to know that such conditions exist in a world with so many resources.
Mindu Centre was built to serve a community of Christians, Muslims and the Masai people. It was once operated by another Christian organisation but they pulled out due to a lack of funding. Hence, the villagers were left with no one to finance the dispensary.
This medical unit, situated in the middle of nowhere, lacks basic facilities such as electricity and water. They had very little medical supplies –less than a medicine cabinet in an average British home. The dispensary was unable to provide the basic service desperately needed within the community.
This was what we learnt when a member of our congregation visited the area to do mission work.
Lab Technician
Equipment e.g. incubators, incinerator
Electric supply
Medical supplies to treat HIV, Malaria, Diabetes, Diphtheria, Sexually Transmitted Diseases and other common ailments.
The whole purpose is to keep Mindu Centre serving the community and helping them to become self-sufficient within two years. A small donation makes a big impact. We gladly welcome contributions to assist us in keeping the dispensary up and running.
Research has brought to our attention that £500.00 per month would be sufficient to employ a doctor, a midwife and a technician. Though a small church we caught the vision, saw the challenge and rallied to the cause.
We sent a delegate back to Tanzania who immediately organised a board of trustee consisting of two doctors, 3 pastors, 2 nurses and 2 other professionals. It was clear that God was in the matter. Their desire was not to be dependent on charitable donations but to become self-sufficient and sustainable.
There is now an effective programme for:
HIV Treatment
Sexually Transmitted Diseases and common causes
From the UK, anonymous donations were provided for all refurbishment work for the inside and outside of the clinic. A member of Hallmark Ministries raised additional funds of over £650 through a sponsored skydive. Ranges of essential medical equipment were purchased, as well as medicines and healthcare professionals employed. Refurbishment of on-site staff accommodation was undertaken, and the previous midwife’s living quarters was converted into a delivery suite separate from the dispensary.
The building work was completed with 3 KVA photovoltaic panels to charge up batteries/ capacitors to provide essential power, as the dispensary unit is in the middle of nowhere and electricity supply is 10-15 miles away from the actual building. Once electricity was available, the final part of the equipment was supplied at a cost of 3,840,000 Ts (converted £1,500.00) for the equipment and £3,000.00 for the photovoltaic power. An incinerator was provided alongside security on completion of the refurbishment.
A supply of medication was purchased and sold for the dispensary to make a profit. The church agreed to support the centre and dispensary for two years, with the aim of self-sufficiency at the end of that period. Mindu Centre now continues as a self-sufficient and sustainable health centre.